Make attacks outside the network

This section will focus on what it is port forwarding and how to be configured well.

  • Here you see how port forwarding works, and we will be doing something similar to that.

  1. The source (Desktop) is sending a packet to the Destination (server) and is making a request throw port 443.

  2. But the packet needs to arrive first to the router so the router can send the Desktop packet to the destination. How? With Network Address Translation (NAT) we can use a Private IP Address millions of times all over the world inside our networks and still we can access to the Internet. Here, NAT provides the translation from Private IP Address to the Public IP Address. We are connecting Internet with our Private IP Address, but in real at the backplane, our router is connecting Internet via Public IP Address.

  3. So, the packet arrive to the server and the server responds back.

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