ipconfig /all -> show all network info.
ipconfig /release -> release all matching connections.
ipconfig /displaydns -> displays dns cache information.
ipconfig /flushdns -> deletes the dns cache.
nslookup -type=google.com -> it will tell you what dns server you're using, and the answer is giving.
nslookup - google.com -> You can try to specify the dns like this.
route print -> show the routing table of your computer.
ping -> Check internet connection by pining google's dns.
ping -t <website> -> this will never stop.
tracert <website> -> trace the path to your website.
netstat -af -> What ports are open.
netstat -o -> Show PID of the process running in the port.
netstat -nat -> Show all active connections.
netsh wlan show wlan report -> gives a super fancy report about your wireless interfaces.
netsh interface show interface -> show you interfaces.
netsh interface ip show address | findstr "IP address" -> Quick one liner to find all interface ip address.
netsh interface ip show dnsservers -> dns server ip.
netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off -> turn firewall on/off.