Drone Hacking

I was wondering for a while, how can I hack a drone, my question was, a drone could be hackable? The answer is yes and is simpler than you might think.

What's the concept?

Nowadays literally every drone is controlled via a Wi-Fi connection, when you power on your drone starts an Access Point to connect to it.

The majority of this AP's doesn't require a password to connect to it, that means if an attacker wants to have connectivity with the drone, he just need to connect to their AP to communicate with the drone.

Knowing that, we just need to see how to get in the drone system. Hak5 once again make it possible, with the Wi-Fi pineapple, you can do a cyber weapon attaching the Wi-Fi pineapple to the drone.

How to know who AP connect?

The Drone Access Point Name is related with the MAC address of the drone, so like we see in the video you can make a script that parse this and connects to it to further exploitation.

How to get into the drone

You can do like in the video play with the empty command that is like a expect to interact with the drone and telnet to it doing a BusyBox command to get a shell.

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