Unprotected admin functionality

Level: Apprentice

  • To pass the level we need to understand what an access control vulnerability is. In this level specifically we need to find a way to access to an admin function that we not supposed to interact with it.

  • Even if the URL isn't disclosed anywhere, an attacker may be able to use a wordlist to brute-force the location of the sensitive functionality.

  • At its most basic, vertical privilege escalation arises where an application does not enforce any protection over sensitive functionality like we have seen below.

  • This might in fact be accessible by any user, not only administrative users who have a link to the functionality in their user interface.

Enumerating with Burp Suite we can see that we can access to the robots.txt, and with it we have a juicy directory, if we enter to it, we can interact with the admin panel as seen below:

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